Thursday, 3 May 2012

Science fair projects

20th century innovations

19th century innovations

Birds Chase...

The blue jay is between 9 and 12 inches long. It is bright blue on top and white to gray on its throat, chest and belly. It has a gray-blue crest on its head and black and white bars on its wings and tail. Its bill, legs and feet are black. It also has a black "necklace" on its lower throat.The blue jay is very aggressive and territorial. Groups of blue jays often attack intruders and predators. They often drive other birds away from bird feeders. The blue jay is also very vocal. It makes a number of different calls including its distinctive "jay- jay." It also growls, whistles and chatters.

Dental fillings that kill bacteria and re-mineralize the tooth

Dental fillings that kill bacteria and re-mineralize the tooth

10 Amazing Scientific Facts!

The science world is mysterious and full of amazing facts.

Science Latest News

Dry heat increases bark beetle bite!
Climate change appears to be good news for destructive bark beetles, according to a new study by Lorenzo Marini from the University of Padova in Italy, and his team. Their work, published online in Springer'sClimatic Change, shows that there were more attacks by the spruce bark beetle on European Alpine spruce forests over a 16 year period, as temperatures rose and rainfall dropped. Shifts in temperature, rainfall, and atmospheric gas concentrations, as well as destructive activities by pests and pathogens, are having a profound effect on forest ecosystems. The spruce bark beetles typographys (L.) in particular, is one of the most destructive pests of the European forests, and it is expected to quickly respond to climate change. Forest damage due to this bark beetle has increased markedly during the last decades throughout the whole of Europe